You will need to register (or enter your current username and password, if you already have an account). (You can buy the full version, for one of those 3 games, for US$34.99, plus monthly online service fee, from this same page.) The FAQ link is at the bottom of the page, as well.

You also cannot upgrade characters beyond Level 1.

Surf to this page and click for access to the demo, which allows you to make, but not print, characters for Pathfinder 2e, Starfinder, or Shadowrun 6e. I like D&D Beyond and HLO seemed to be a similar concept–allowing players and GMs access to characters and other game materials on any device with an internet connection rather than, as with HLC, being limited to 1 or 2 devices. So when I saw Hero Lab Online (HLO) on Lone Wolf Development’s website, I decided to check out that demo version. I like the demo version of Hero Lab, now called Hero Lab Classic (I’ll call it HLC here), for Mutants & Masterminds 3e, and my husband has been using the full (paid) HLC for Pathfinder 1e for a long time.